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Carlottas Krankengesichte

Carlotta mit Ball

If you meet me on the street,you don't see that I am chronically ill.
I look perfectly healthy, despite my illness IBD.
My fridge-opener thinks that I should tell you my story, so that other dogs and their owners aren't so long in the dark as we.

It all started in late summer 2009. I often had to leave the house at night several times, to do my great business. It was always diarrhea, but mostly was quickly a few days rest. Since I previously always had in cases of diarrhea, the first fridge-opener were not worried.
However, the accumulated seizures and my bowels were covered very often with a thick layer of mucus. In addition, I had to squat several times in quick succession, without anything happened. Later I learned that the tenesmus are (= painful bowel movements).